Mosquito Magnet®

Attractants 101 - Lurex3™*

What is Lurex3™?

Lurex3™ is a specially formulated attractant developed specifically to attract the Asian Tiger Mosquito.


What is Lurex3™ made of?

Lurex3™ is made of natural compounds that simulate human sweat.

Can I use Lurex3™?

To find out if lurex is right for you, Click Here for more information.

Is it considered a pesticide by the EPA?

Any compound that attracts mosquitoes to a device to kill them is classified as a pesticide by the EPA (even if it were distilled water). When Lurex3™ is used in conjunction with the Mosquito Magnet®, it is considered a pesticide because it lures mosquitoes into the trap where they dehydrate and die. Lurex3™ EPA Registration No. EPA#72563-2.

Who should use Lurex3™?

Customers who live in areas where Asian Tiger Mosquito is the predominant mosquitoes should use Lurex3™ instead of octenol. As of 2000, the Asian Tiger Mosquito had been found in 26 states in the U.S. and in the last four years has migrated rapidly from the Southeastern states into the Northeastern states, Midwest, and Northern U.S. We recommend the use of octenol for customers who live within about 10 miles from the coast, where salt marsh mosquitoes and no-see-ums are most likely the predominant pests.

Why is Lurex3™ better than octenol for Asian Tiger Mosquito?

Our studies have shown that Lurex3™ out catches octenol by 3:1 on the Asian Tiger Mosquito.

What if I live in an area where Asian Tiger has been found, I’m not being bitten using octenol?

Continue to use octenol.

What if I have other mosquitoes besides Asian Tiger, should I still use Lurex3™?

If Asian Tiger Mosquito is your predominant pest, we recommend that you use Lurex3™.

If you are unsure if you have Asian Tiger Mosquito, we recommend you try octenol for the first 21 days. If you are still being bitten and you are sure you have your trap placed correctly (i.e. have used the Interactive Placement Assistant on our web site or cd that came with your product), then try Lurex3™.


If it was found in my state does that mean I have it?

Not necessarily. Asian Tiger Mosquito breeding areas are sporadic and can be in one county but not another.

How long does Lurex3™ last?

Lurex3™ will last 21 days. As it nears the 21-day expiration date it begins to dry and crack.

Is Lurex available in all states.

Lurex3™ is not available in all states at this time.


How can I get Lurex3™?

Lurex3™ is available to order through our online store or by calling 1.800.214.7721