Mosquito Magnet® Pro/Pro Plus

Start up procedure

The start up procedure for the Pro/Pro Plus is very simple, you just press the power button and sit back and watch. The steps below describe the start up procedure.

  1. Press power button.
  2. Rotating arrow will display on the LCD panel with the word “Warming” in the center.
  3. Fan will start at high speed to purge burner compartment.
  4. Fan will then slow to a lower speed to allow the burner box to fill with propane and create a propane rich environment for easier ignition.
  5. The igniter will then begin to click and will continue until the temperature rises, and the Thermistor reads the higher temperature.
    Solenoid will then click open.
  6. As temperature comes up and the increase is seen on the Thermistor, the small fan will power on. This is a good indication of confirmed ignition.

lf the trap does not sense heat after two minutes, it will restart this sequence. It will repeat this sequence three times.
If no confirmed start up after three attempts, the trap will display a “Out of propane” icon and sound the gas empty beep.

Virtual Pro/Pro Plus Start Up

Approximate start up times

Here are the approximate start uptimes
Press power switch (Warming)
Igniter starts clicking
Solenoid opens (single clicking sound)
Igniter stops clicking
Fan speeds up
Fully operational

This test was done on a new Pro out of the box. Please note, start up times may vary.