MosquitoMagnetRepair's GnuPG Fingerprint: A320 6116 C448 4436 CEEB 5A68 A321 A691 2F28 42E9
MosquitoMagnetRepair.Com supports GnuPG to transmit secure financial information via e-mail. In order to make use of this feature (which is highly recommended), you will need to take the following steps.These
only needs to be done once.
1. You need GnuPG. You can download it from the GnuPG website ( If you are new to GnuPG and PGP, it is recommended that you read over the GnuPG Handbook and learn the concepts of PGP and how it can be safely and securely used.
2. You need your own PGP key. If you don't have one, then you can generate one. Again, please read over the GnuPG handbook if you are not already familiar with GnuPG and PGP.
3. You need to add the MosquitoMagnetRepair.Com PGP Public Key to your keyring.
4. You should check the key's fingerprint to make sure that it is indeed the MosquitoMagnetRepair.Com's PGP Public Key.
Make sure that the fingerprint is:
A320 6116 C448 4436 CEEB 5A68 A321 A691 2F28 42E9
5. You need to sign the MosquitoMagnetRepair.Com Public Key. This is how you declare that you trust that this is a valid key.
6. You should verify that everything is set up correctly.
If everything checks out ok, then you are ready to use GnuPG.